Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mediocre Update.

Peace Fest was fun! There were lots of cool people and organizations. Thanks goes to Batch & co for letting us have a table. Big thanks goes to Jason for all the literature that we passed out. Click here if you want to check out some great pictures that Rena took. Who knows how many people we served? But, seriously, lots of people were into it. It was kind of weird. The food we served sucked, and people were still cool. Colton and I stayed up all night cooking a dish we called "Mediocre Stir Fry" and some mashed potatoes that weren't really mashed well. Ask Colton about the 200 chocolate chip cookies he baked. Almost everyone that stopped by our table was cool about our group and ideas. Pretty much all of the literature we passed out was either explicitly anarchist or close to it. We might have been the only group there that is comprised of homies under the age of thirty, so lots of people really appreciated that. My favorite experience was when some random older dude started talking to us about John Zerzan and Green Anarchy. Totally blew my mind! Our table was next to the Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Joy Mennonite Church booth, which was really cool.

Speaking of the Oklahoma Center for Conscience, they have some exciting events coming up.

Saturday, Nov. 21st - Planning meeting at 1:30pm at the Red Cup coffeehouse, 3122 N. Classen - organizing for a counter recruitment workshop in January and planning for other outreach opportunities

Saturday, Jan 9th - Counter recruitment intensive at the Scissortail Social Space, 3021 N. Walker, from 1:00 to 3:30pm - They will be doing hands-on training, role playing, and introducing volunteers to the best resources for counter recruitment and raising public awareness.

As always, email/call us if you want to help out or know more about what we do.
Colton- 303-704-5223 Stefan - 405-863-2888

Love, Stefan

1 comment:

  1. This is Rena of OCC. Thanks for the mention. I thought we had the best location for our table in the whole event -- right next to FNB. I wonder how much I'll have to bribe Batch to get the same spot next year? ;-)

    Oh, and the stir fry wasn't THAT bad.
