Sunday, December 6, 2009

Food Not Bombs at Westmoore High School

Food Not Bombs has been invited to have a table at Westmoore High School's diversity night on Thursday, December 10th around 7 PM. We need people to bring vegan/vegetarian food (mostly vegan if possible) so we can distribute food to those who cannot afford the catered food that will be available. We will also be handing out flyers and giving information about why we do what we do.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Kristina at 405-887-7335


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mediocre Update.

Peace Fest was fun! There were lots of cool people and organizations. Thanks goes to Batch & co for letting us have a table. Big thanks goes to Jason for all the literature that we passed out. Click here if you want to check out some great pictures that Rena took. Who knows how many people we served? But, seriously, lots of people were into it. It was kind of weird. The food we served sucked, and people were still cool. Colton and I stayed up all night cooking a dish we called "Mediocre Stir Fry" and some mashed potatoes that weren't really mashed well. Ask Colton about the 200 chocolate chip cookies he baked. Almost everyone that stopped by our table was cool about our group and ideas. Pretty much all of the literature we passed out was either explicitly anarchist or close to it. We might have been the only group there that is comprised of homies under the age of thirty, so lots of people really appreciated that. My favorite experience was when some random older dude started talking to us about John Zerzan and Green Anarchy. Totally blew my mind! Our table was next to the Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Joy Mennonite Church booth, which was really cool.

Speaking of the Oklahoma Center for Conscience, they have some exciting events coming up.

Saturday, Nov. 21st - Planning meeting at 1:30pm at the Red Cup coffeehouse, 3122 N. Classen - organizing for a counter recruitment workshop in January and planning for other outreach opportunities

Saturday, Jan 9th - Counter recruitment intensive at the Scissortail Social Space, 3021 N. Walker, from 1:00 to 3:30pm - They will be doing hands-on training, role playing, and introducing volunteers to the best resources for counter recruitment and raising public awareness.

As always, email/call us if you want to help out or know more about what we do.
Colton- 303-704-5223 Stefan - 405-863-2888

Love, Stefan

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Peace Festival

We, Norman Food Not Bombs, will have a table at the Fall Peace Festival.

Oklahoma City’s 24th Fall Peace Festival will be held Saturday, November 14th from 10 am to 4 pm, in the downtown Civic Center Hall of Mirrors.

Check out this link if you want more info.

With that said, we could use help. Seriously. This is Stefan btw. We will be getting food and stuff ready Friday night. Call me(Stefan) or Colton if you can help out and bring food.

Stefan - 405-863-2888
Colton- 303-704-5223

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I know that this particular blog has been getting a lot more traffic as of recent thanks to all the wonderful folks with SDS, and I'd just like to reiterate that if you want to help, please get in touch with us.

In solidarity,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lots of food. Lots of people. Lots of fun.

Andrew's Park next Sunday at 7:00 P.M.!

Monday, August 3, 2009


"If they don't come to us, we'll come to them."

Last night just before setting up in Andrew's Park like scheduled, I decided it would be a good idea to go down to the Salvation Army emergency shelter and tell everyone that we'll be serving food at 7:00. Most of the people there were planning on staying there that night, and some had even just come back from Andrew's because they thought we might be down there earlier. I asked as many people as I could if they could come, even if I gave them a ride. But at Salvation Army, you have to sign in by a certain time, and the rooms are first come first serve. If you aren't there early, you don't have shelter that night, and if you're not back by 9, you're locked out. Needless to say they couldn't leave even for a minute to come eat with us. Upon investigating Andrew's Park for a population of people who might need food, we decided it was time to move the food over to Salvation Army and set up outside of our cars. With the exception of enormous amounts of bread, the food was distributed entirely to families staying at the emergency shelter.

The point of this story is to say that I need help promoting FNB until we get a good population of people to feed. If you want to help, please call us at 303-704-5223 or email us at


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hey there!

Decided it would be a good idea to have some organization via the interweb for the Norman Food Not Bombs group being started... so here it is. Here's basically a low down about what's going on right now:

Food Not Bombs... if you're not sure what it is, head to this website:

A group of people in central Oklahoma are trying to reorganize Food Not Bombs events in Norman. Pretty much we want to take all food that would otherwise go to waste and provide healthy, vegan meals for the community, whether that be low income families, the homeless population, suburbanite teenagers, crusty punks, etc. Everyone is invited. What we've been doing the past couple of weeks is setting up at different parks in Norman (Andrew's and Lion's) on Sunday evenings and distributing food we've prepared in our kitchens to anyone who looks like they might want some. Now, this project is in a very infantile stage and it has very few volunteers. It's kind of a crucial time period for us because the project is extremely vulnerable. The point of me even making this post is to allow others who might want to get involved to do just that, get involved.

Here's what we need volunteers for right now:

Promoting the event every week so that we have a good population of people coming out on a regular basis to eat.

Finding reliable food sources to distribute.

Cooking and cooking knowledge!

Transporting food!

(Of course, all of these things can be broken down into subsections such as "designing flyers, talking to people, dumpstering, talking to grocery stores around town about contributions, etc.)

Here are some material things we need:

Food. Any kind. Must be vegan.

Kitchenware: serving utensils, big ol' pots and pans, massive containers, coolers, something to store water/drinks in, etc.

Reusable silverware, plates, bowls, cups.

Here is how you can contact me or anyone else involved in Food Not Bombs:



See you out on the streets makin' things happen,

P.S. This Sunday, August 2nd, we'll be meeting at Andrew's Park around 7:00 P.M.